Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stories of the Base

Deerbow has its own Area 51. Have you heard of it? The secret underground base that was set up after WWII? If you grew up in Deerbow, you heard of it. For those of you that haven't, a little background.

There are a lot of stories about the base. Here are some of the similar parts of the stories. It was built sometime after of just at the end of WWII. They built it underground because they did not want the public to wonder why a big base was going up in Deerbow. The part of town it was in (Konakove) had a major building boom at that time. A lot of buildings went up, but stayed empty. It is said that was to hide the building of the base.

No one really knows what they did there. On story is that it was a base that had scientist from Nazi Germany working there. With the amount of Germans that lived in Konakove at the time, it would be possible to hide them there. Another theory is that is was a place where they actually sent the saucers from Rosewell. That it is really Area 51.

Is there any proof of the base? Sometimes you will get a person that says they have documents or the like that support there was something going on there. Most of them end up being forged, or unusable. There are the stories, there are so many stories.

One of the ones that I always thought was possible was the mysterious explosion in 1967. A three block area of Konakove had been blow apart. The official explanation, gas line exploded. Only seven people died. Most of the buildings that were destroyed were empty, or closed for the day. That part of the city was rebuilt in a few years. There are some people that think the base had been destroyed that night. That something they were working one backfired. What were they working on? Everything from a fighter jet to UFOs; from atomic bombs to alien energy weapons.

I love stories like that, don't you?

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